Time for a Big Thank You!

My blog and my gardenias.... have created a big stir! But I have to thank the person I couldn't have achieved this without. She gave my company a very professional look and created for me, patiently, just what I wanted - a feminine, flowery yet simple and striking look. I have had a number of friends and family write to me about the way my blog and my store looks! And the lady that I really need to thank for this awesome response within such short time is the awesome, the super-talented Brandy Jaggers. Brandy has a shop by the name Oblivious on ETSY. She is a graphic designer and a totally mindblowing photographer. I haven't told her about this write up to her yet... so, I don't have any photographs to share. But, do visit her etsy store and her photography website - www.brandyjaggers.com and you won't be disappointed. She photographs expectant moms, infants, toddlers and children. And she creates magic with every click!
So, if you are looking for a super-duper graphic design package or a photography session that you will be proud of all your life, Brandy Jaggers is one person you should keep in mind!

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