Calla Lily Bouquet
This is a bouquet I am doing for a bride from Maui, who's having a destination wedding at Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Her colors are midnight blue and platinum and she wanted white callas for her bouquet. I have planned to wrap her bouquet in midnight blue and platinum colors, while adding some crystal accents.This was a last minute order, but I really wanted to do this wedding because the colors are so elegant and I think the callas will really go well with the color scheme. I received this order via the DECO Clay Craft Academy and I am so grateful that they trusted me with it.I got some help from Chen Li - one of our wonderful DECO Clay instructors here in Honolulu - in putting this bouquet toge
ther, because I hadn't done round-ish bouquet with callas before, and I didn't want to go wrong (even the slightest bit!). But I decided to do it all over again, when I came back home :), so I could put to use what I learnt from her. And here's how it looks. Of course, this is just the first draft. I still have to paint the flowers, wrap the bouquet, add fillers and accents. There is so much more to do! But I was so excited, I thought I'd share this with you anyway :). More pics coming up soon!
the callas are so striking--i like them with the accents you added, but i realllly like them plain! so beautiful!
BEAUTIFUL bouquet!!! That's one lucky bride. :D I hope you get some shots from her wedding.
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